Disposable E-Mail Address.

As the name suggests, these Email IDs are temporary. If you are a regular Internet surfer, the problem of bulk unread emails in your inbox will not be new to you, specially those emails which come due to registration on different websites. On some websites you are required to give your email ID to get activation link through mail. But after activation,these websites starts sending different promotional offers and invitation through emails and your inbox becomes a garbage mail collector.

Is there any solution...?
Yes, to avoid these emails you can use disposable temporary Email IDs while registering on any website. These IDs are easy to make and no form submission is required. Simply type the user name and get an ID which you can use for next few hours. Simply give this temporary ID during the registration and get the activation link in you temporary inbox, activate your account and forget that ID,you can make a new ID if required in future.

"Guerrilla mail" is one of the best temporary mail service provider that i ever used.Its a website with simple looks have some details about the service and a text box.
You can set your name if you want or click set temporary email,your email will be activated.To see you temporary inbox click the rss link shown in circle.


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