Send Future Mails.

Send your email today and set the delivery time for future.You can use this service to wish your friends and also as a reminder to yourself.Check out some of these websites:

Emailfuture can be used to send email to yourself at the date & time allotted. Go to website for more information.

Futureme: Almost same feature but you can not set the delivery time and here you must send your email at least 90 days into the future. Hence can't be used as a reminder service.

Futuremail: This service can be used only as a reminder. You can make your own blog for future mails if you want to share it in public RSS feed. You are required to register first(don't worry its free).

Mailtothefuture:This website is my favorite. Nice looks and an additional service makes it different from others. Here you can send your mail with anonymous identity also, but your IP will be grabbed automatically, so use this feature only for fun among your friends.


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