Easy google search with Gog.is

According to me Google search is the best search engine i had ever used, the reason behind this is the simplicity of the page. The size of Google home page is very small(its approx 7.5kb) as compared to Yahoo(its approx 193kb), which enables Google to load faster than nearly any other search engine on your computer.

Gog.is helps you to search your desired keyword quickly as possible. It is also helpful for the blogger like me to target any search link in my blog for example click here, you will find the keyword mydreamlab in the google search box.

But even as a normal user this feature is very useful to search any keyword with google, simply type gog.is/your_keyword. For example if you want to search Dell, type gog.is/dell in the address bar and see the magic.

For more information visit http://gog.is

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