Find any website is up or down.

You might be wondering what would be the best method of finding up and down time of your desired website. When you open any website, sometimes might have find errors like Network Time Out or Network Error XXX(any numeric value). This error may be due to various reasons,but a very common reason is that server is down.

Here is the simple method to find whether its the problem of server or of your own network, so that you can open the website on any other connection if its very important. Visit Down For Everyone Or Just Me and type url(Uniform Resource Locator) of the website which you want to check. For example lets check whether is up or down.

Type in the box and press Enter. You will find-

Which shows that is up and its your local network problem due to which you are unable to open this website on your computer. Try any other computer if its important to open this website.

Tip: This feature is very helpful when your result is about to declare and the website server goes down.

Link: Down For Everyone Or Just Me


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