Get information about local businesses for free.

Now you can find local businesses for free from any phone without any internet or GPRS access. GOOG-411 is one of the best google mobile services that i am using. This service enables you to know about the local businesses (example: McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Hospital etc).

Suppose you are in Janakpuri and you don't know about the location of the nearest Cinema Hall, no problem simply dial 1-800-466-4411 from your mobile and tell your location and then tell the Business name (i.e. Cinema Hall in this case) your call will be forwarded to the nearest cinema hall customer care, then you can ask about the ticket availability,charges and timings etc. this service is totally free from google.



  • Call your favorite local business. Dial 1-800-466-4411, then name the business you’re looking for and where it’s located. GOOG-411 will find it and connect you to it for free.
  • Local business information through SMS. Say “text message” after you hear the exact location of the business you’re looking for, and GOOG-411 will send you a text message with the business’s address and phone number.
  • GOOG-411 is a free service – even the call connecting you to the business you're looking for is free. (Carrier charges for the use of your mobile device may apply, try it once).


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