Make a shutdown virus.

The main function of this virus it to shutdown your computer immediately when you click any icon on your desktop. Basically its not a virus but you can use it in that way also.
First of all you should know "How to create a shutdown icon" on you desktop.


You must be aware of this command shutdown -s -t 0(i don't know). Here shutdown locates the shutdown.exe file in your system, -t represents Time followed by o(in seconds,which you can change as per requirement).
But still we need a terror message to make it a complete virus. For this type shutdown -s -t 0 -c "Your message here". Here -c represents comment. For example shutdown -s -t 120 -c "This computer will blast in next 1 min" , when you will click on this icon your message will display on the screen for 120 seconds(2 min) and then computer will shutdown(don't worry it will not harm your computer, its a proper shutdown process).

Lets add some more spice to it, once this process will start you can't stop it(Hackers try all your tricks). The only way to stop........wait.....firstly,learn to make it.

Follow these steps:
  • Delete My Computer icon from your desktop(you can make it again form your Start menu). Since this virus will look like your My Computer icon so to avoid error message you need to delete it.
  • Make a shutdown icon on your desktop with the command discussed above.
  • Right click on the newly created icon shutdown and open properties.
  • Now click on Change Icon(under shortcut tab). A window will pop up.
  • Select any icon for example My Computer and click OK.
  • Now to rename your icon. Right click on the icon -> Rename -> Type My Computer.
  • Now you virus is ready to attack.
How to stop this virus..?
To stop this virus you are required to type shutdown -a in Run box(before the allotted time).
Follow, Start-> Run -> type shutdown -a -> click OK.

Caution: I am a Windows XP user, so i can not guarantee its success in Vista. Post a comment if you find it working.

Related Post: Make a scary virus


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